- The project named “Bamboo Oasis on Lands in Drought” (BOLD) is the first of its kind exercise in India which was launched from the tribal village in Udaipur district, Rajasthan.
- It is a unique scientific exercise serving the combined national objectives of reducing desertification and providing livelihood and multi-disciplinary rural industry support has been initiated by Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC).
- Project BOLD, which seeks to create bamboo-based green patches in arid and semi-arid land zones.
- The initiative has been launched as part of KVIC’s “Khadi Bamboo Festival” to celebrate 75 years of independence “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”.
- Significance – It will reduce desertification and provide livelihood and multi-disciplinary rural industry support.
- It will also act as havens of sustainable development and food security.
- Bamboo is a grass, not a wood
- There are more than 1,000 species of Bamboo in the world- Scientists have identified about 1,450 Bamboo species across five continents.
- Bamboo is part of rural livelihood in many countries, especially in developing counties like India. Due to its versatile nature and multiple uses, it is also called ‘poor man’s timber’.
- Bamboo is mostly an evergreen grass.
- Bamboo releases more oxygen than hardwoods.
- Bamboo covers almost 13 per cent of the total forest area in India. About 8.6 million people depend on bamboo for their livelihood.
- Though Madhya Pradesh has the largest area under bamboo forests, bamboo culture thrives in the North Eastern region. From the tender shoots as a delicacy food item to the rice cooked in the hollow of raw bamboo, it is part of everyday life.
- Bamboo survives natural and man-made disasters – Bamboo grew back faster than any other plants near ground zero in 1945 Japan. It’s also known to reappear following extreme weather including hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons.
- Bamboo repairs damaged soil – Along with protecting against erosion, Bamboo helps replenish damaged soil by soaking up relatively low amounts of water. Its roots bind soil and its fallen leaves add nutrients as they decay.
- Bamboo is one of the strongest materials on earth – It is often described as being ‘strong than steel.’ That’s not an overstatement. Bamboo’s strength stems in part from its unique ability to bend without breaking; it provides flexibility without sacrificing lightness or endurance.
- To increase the area under bamboo plantation in non forest Government and private lands to supplement farm income and contribute towards resilience to climate change as well as availability of quality raw material requirement of industries.
- To improve post-harvest management through establishment of innovative primary processing units near the source of production, primary treatment and seasoning plants, preservation technologies and market infrastructure.
- To rejuvenate the under developed bamboo industry in India.
- To promote skill development, capacity building, awareness generation for development of bamboo sector from production to market demand.
- The Mission will focus on development of bamboo in limited States where it has social, commercial and economical advantage, particularly in the North Eastern region and other States including Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra etc
- Production of genetically superior planting material of bamboo species with commercialand industrial demand.
- Adoption of end to end solution in bamboo sector i.e. complete value chain approachstarting from bamboo growers to consumers would be emphasized.
- Besides product development, emphasis will also be given for higher economicrealization to growers/producers through initiatives on export promotion and benefit ofdomestic market through market infrastructure, e-trading etc.
- Capacity building of the officials, field functionaries, entrepreneurs and farmers throughskill development and trainings will be emphasised.