- The Global Resilience Index Initiative (GRII) aims establish a globally standard paradigm for assessing resilience across all sectors and regions.
- It will draw on experience in cross-sector risk modelling, such as public-private partnerships involving governments, academia, insurance, and engineering.
- Mission: To help sectors establish climate resilience in order to confront the data emergency that is contributing to the climate issue.
- The coalition is aiming for two immediate objectives. – Provide global open reference risk data based on principles of insurance risk modelling.
- Provide common standards and facilities that can be used for a variety of purposes.
- GRI will be a curated, open-source resource with numerous risk management applications. It can make a significant contribution by fostering a common knowledge of the growing physical climate dangers.
- Coalition for Climate Resilient Investment (CCRI), Fathom, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI),GEM Foundation, Insurance Development Forum (IDF),Oasis Loss Modelling Framework, UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment (CGFI), United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR),University of Oxford, and Willis Towers Watson are some of the GRII’s partners and supporters.