- Recently, researchers have discovered three fossils of the earliest known living animal, the 550-million-year-old ‘Dickinsonia’ on the roof of the Bhimbetka Rock Shelters. The fossils were found in the roof of the Auditorium Cave at Bhimbetka Rock Shelters
- Recently, researchers have discovered three fossils of the earliest known living animal, the 550-million-year-old ‘Dickinsonia’ on the roof of the Bhimbetka Rock Shelters. The fossils were found in the roof of the Auditorium Cave at Bhimbetka Rock Shelters.
- Recently, researchers have discovered three fossils of the earliest known living animal, the 550-million-year-old ‘Dickinsonia’ on the roof of the Bhimbetka Rock Shelters. The fossils were found in the roof of the Auditorium Cave at Bhimbetka Rock Shelters.
- The remains of Dickinsonia fossils that are discovered in other parts of the world exceeded 4 feet in length. However, the one found in Bhimbetka is 17 inches long.
- The Bhimbetka rock shelters are an archaeological site in central India that spans the prehistoric Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods.
- It is located in the Raisen District in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh
- It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that consists of seven hills and over 750 rock shelters distributed over 10 km
- The paintings, which display great vitality and narrative skill, are categorized into different prehistoric periods.
- The oldest are dated to the Late Paleolithic Period (Old Stone Age) and consist of large linear representations of rhinoceroses and bears. Paintings from Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age) times are smaller and portray, in addition to animals, human activities.
- However, most of the paintings belong to the Mesolithic age.
- The paintings generally portray every-day life of pre-historic men often in stick-like human figures. Various animals like elephant, bison, deer, peacock and snake are depicted.
- The paintings also show hunting scenes and war scenes with men carrying weapons like bows, arrows, spears, shields and swords. Some paintings also have simple geometric designs and symbols.
- The other themes of the paintings are dancing, playing music, animal fighting, honey collection, etc.
- Social life is well-depicted with presence of children playing, women making food, community dancing, etc.
- Various colours like red ochre, purple, brown, white, yellow and green are used. Colours were obtained from natural resources, for example, Haematite ores were used for red colour.