Course Curriculum

1.Introduction to Governance
1.Introduction to Governance, Objective and Readiness 00:07:30
2.E- Governance 00:10:21
3.Good Governance 00:08:02
1.e-NAM 00:10:15
3.Citizen Charter
1.Citizen Charter 00:11:26
2.Citizen Charter: Indian Experience 00:14:15
4.E- Governance
1.Components 00:11:43
2.Infrastructure for e-governance 00:11:18
5.Developmental Governance
1.Introduction 00:11:18
6.Right to Information
1.Introduction to RTI 00:11:12
2.RTI: Success, Issues and recommendation 00:08:21
7.Lokpal and Lokayuktas
1.Lokpal and Lokayuktas 00:09:53
8.Police Reforms
1.Police Reforms 01:39:05
9. Government Schemes
1. How to Study Govt. Scheme 00:12:40
2. Schemes: Agriculture, Skill Development, HRD 00:11:15
3. Schemes: Health & Family Welfare, Water, Energy, Labour 00:15:34
4. Schemes: Housing, Minority Affairs, Environment, Finance Others 00:15:01
Prelims Practice Test
UPSCTestSchemes070419 02:00:00

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